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April 13, 2010

Seeing is Believing - The Work of a Paranormal Investigator

I've always had a fascination with the unknown. My interest began with the experiences I had with my best friend in fourth grade. Since then, I've jumped onto the "Ghost Hunters" and "Paranormal State" television programming bandwagon. From these shows and other resarch, I've gathered there is much more to being a paranormal investigator than meets the eye (no pun intended).

Reasons for Investigating

Paranormal investigators must have a special drive that keeps them on the hunt for things that can't be scientifically explained. In the book The Paranormal, Sharon Begley writes, "historically, such times have been marked by a surge in belief in astrology, ESP, and other paranormal phenomena, spurred in part by a desperate yearning to feel a sense of control in a world spinning out of control." So basically, it's an obsession with knowing the human race is still in the driver's seat.

But on the flip side, Ryan Buell, director for the A & E television series "Paranormal State" and founder of the Paranormal Research in Society (PRS), began his career because of his frightening experiences as a child. In the opening credits of each episode, he states:

When I was a kid, my experiences with the supernatural terrified me and I've been searching for answers ever since. When I got to Penn State, I realized I wasn't alone in my quest, so I founded the Paranormal Research Society.

A Typical Investigation

Ryan and his team respond to only the most extreme cases. Here's how a typical investigation should look:

  1. PRS is contacted by an individual (client) who is allegedly being haunted.
  2. After filling the team in, Ryan and the rest of the group go to the client's location.
  3. The client gives a tour of the estate, highlighting areas where he/she has experienced supposed paranormal activity.
  4. Personal interviews are conducted with the client and his/her family to gain a better insight on the anomaly.
  5. The team holds a meeting to make sure everyone is up to speed.
  6. A psychic is brought to the location to get a "feel" for the entity.
  7. Ryan and his team set up all the required equipment they need to conduct their investigation.
  8. PRS attempts to document any evidence of paranormal activity in their investigation. (This can include video and audio footage)
  9. The team reviews the footage.
  10. (Optional) In cases where the team discovers the presence of a demon, a priest is asked to perform an exorcism on the house to cast out the evil spirit.
  11. A final meeting is held with the client to clear the air and provide him/her with any documented evidence the team may have recorded.

For a more in-depth look at a PRS investigation, check out this episode of "Paranormal State."

"I Am Six" (Part 1) -
"I Am Six" (Part 2) -
"I Am Six" (Part 3) -
"I Am Six" (Part 4) -
"I Am Six" (Part 5) -

Required Equipment states that every paranormal investigator should be equipped with the following items:

  • A digital camera
  • A video recorder
  • A thermal scanner with an imager (This is used to check for or verify unusual cold or hot spots in a room.)
  • A digital voice recorder (This is for electronic voice phenomena - EVPs - which are strange sounds or voices that aren't heard by the human ear, but are picked up by a recorder.)
  • An electromagnetic field (EMF) detector (This is to pick up unusually high levels of magnetic energy, which can be attributed to paranormal activity.)
  • A laptop with the appropriate software
  • Extension cords
Paranormal investigation is a strenuous task that takes a keen eye and an open mind. So take a minute and ask yourself: do you have what it takes to explore the unknown?

For More Information
If you are interested in becoming a paranormal investigator, or would like more information, please visit the following websites:

The Paranormal Research Society (PRS) -
Paranormal Ghost -
Paranormal Investigation -
The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) -
Paranormal Investigators -

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